Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gandhi's "Ideal Toilet" Reconstructed

From the blog Sigmund, Carl and Alfred, we learn that Mahatma Gandhi's fav toilet has been recreated in his home, after tourists inquired as to where the revered leader actually pooped (always a logical question, along the lines of "how do astronauts poop in space?") Also note that we here at Potty Mouth research labs, while we would never want to compare Gandhi to the genocidal murderer Pol Pot, cannot help but notice the similarity between tourist interest in the toilet of Gandhi and the toilet of Pol Pot, hmm...

Gandhi, we are told, saw the "modernization" of toiletry in India as a bad thing, as the master

"...believed in the “responsible” disposal of human excrement to avoid disease. His lavatory was constructed in such a manner as to allow waste to flow out to fields around his house."

Remember, however, that the Master reportedly also slept between nubile 18-year girls to prove his ability to withstand the temptations of the flesh....!

At any rate, read the original post (sadly, sans photos), here.

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