Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Reverse Sewage System to Power UK Homes

In Manchester, England, they've figured out a way to directly poop-power homes with biomethane gas (converted from city sewage). The gas is pumped directly into people's homes! That's right, flush your poop down the toilet, and then they send it back to you! Craaaazy!

Reverse Sewer System to Power Homes in Manchester

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Solution for Pee Splatter

Not sure how many guys are actually going to be willing to kneel when they pee simply to avoid splatter, but this invention does have that Japanese pop culture cuteness factor going for it...linked page is in Japanese, but I think you kids at home can figure it out...

Japanese Kneeling Pee-Splatter Avoider

Friday, June 5, 2009

His and Hers Toilet

Now this is some futuristic shit (pun fully intentional): a toilet that converts between a urinal and a sit-down. Although within getting too graphic, even with this advance in science I foresee no end to the age old gender wars due to problems results from the seat up/seat down dilemma....!

Futuristic Toilet is Both a Sit-Down and a Urinal