Okay, this is the cutest use of elephant poop--or maybe any poop!--that we here at Potty Mouth have seen in a while. They hide a camera in a pile of elephant poop to snap secret pictures of adorable lion cubs at play. Brilliant! Secret Ele-Poop Cam Shoots Lion Cubs
You know the slang term "brick shithouse"? Well this story is about building your house out of bricks made of shit--literally. Anything for conservation, folks...
Harrrumph! This toilet don't look so revolutionary or ergonomic in any new way to me...and I'll bet this high-falutin' all-blue space-age construction from one of my former employers (Arizona State...shudder) costs a lot more than a good 'ole "Squat and Gobble" (Sit and Smile) like you can get all over Asia for a...er....smile... Asian Squat and Smile Design Passed Off as Futuristic Toilet
That's right, kids...it's a brand-new edition of Potty Mouth (tm), and this one's not even from the archives, it was produced last November as part of the MAC Reunion Special! In this episode, Bong and On investigate a California studio apartment with, shall we say, a "nontraditional plumbing arrangement."
Here's one I bet you kids at home haven't run across yet, despite the booming (heheh) popularity of Twitter these days: some genius has rigged up his office chair so that it automatically tweets a report of his workaday farts on Twitter. If you'd care to follow him--though, heheh, not too closely, we hope!--see the link below. Likewise if you'd like to build your own fart-detecting Twitter chair.
Okay, all you Potty Mouth fetishists: check out this sleek and smooth baby! And make sure to read the accompanying literature; besides mandatory comfort features like seat-warming (about time we caught up to the Japanese!), this unit features things like "washlet cleaning functions" ("You can pick from different washes such an oscillating wash or a soft wash, and also select if you wish to use the air-drying feature"), "Clever CeFiONtect glazing and a Tornado Flush"...sign me up!!
Talk about weapons of mass destruction! In England, a soccer player (they call them "footballers" over there) was given a penalty warning by a referee for farting! Next time, I'm sure he'll remember to use his silencer...! heheheheh